A1. Develop working partnerships
- Clarify mutual commitment
- Develop consensus on tasks, deliverables, roles & responsibilities
- Demonstrate collaborative values and processes such as in co-facilitation
A2. Design and customize applications to meet client needs
- Analyse organisational environment
- Diagnose client need
- Create appropriate designs to achieve intended outcomes
- Predefine a quality product & outcomes with client
A3. Manage multi-session events effectively
- Contract with client for scope and deliverables
- Develop event plan
- Deliver event successfully
- Assess or evaluate client satisfaction at all stages of the event or project
B1. Select clear methods and processes that:
- Foster open participation with respect for client culture, norms and participant diversity
- Engage the participation of those with varied learning or thinking styles
Achieve a high quality product or outcome that meets the client needs
B2. Prepare time and space to support group process
- Arrange physical space to support the purpose of the meeting
- Plan effective use of time
- Provide effective atmosphere and drama for sessions
C1. Demonstrate effective participatory and interpersonal communication skills
- Apply a variety of participatory processes
- Demonstrate effective verbal communication skills
- Develop rapport with participants
- Practice active listening
- Demonstrate ability to observe and provide feedback to participants
C2. Honour and recognise diversity, ensuring inclusiveness
- Encourage positive regard for the experience and perception of all participants
- Create a climate of safety and trust
- Create opportunities for participants to benefit from the diversity of the group
- Cultivate cultural awareness and sensitivity
C3. Manage group conflict
- Help individuals identify and review underlying assumptions
- Recognise conflict and its role within group learning / maturity
- Provide a safe environment for conflict to surface
- Manage disruptive group behaviour
- Support the group through resolution of conflict
C4. Evoke group creativity
- Draw out participants of all learning/thinking styles
- Encourage creative thinking
- Accept all ideas
- Use approaches that best fit needs and abilities of the group
- Stimulate and tap group energy
D1. Guide the group with clear methods and processes
- Establish clear context for the session
- Actively listen, question and summarise to elicit the sense of the group
- Recognise tangents and redirect to the task
- Manage small and large group process
D2. Facilitate group self-awareness about its task
- Vary the pace of activities according to needs of group
- Identify information the group needs, and draw out data and insight from the group
- Help the group synthesise patterns, trends, root causes, frameworks for action
- Assist the group in reflection on its experience
D3. Guide the group to consensus and desired outcomes
- Use a variety of approaches to achieve group consensus
- Use a variety of approaches to meet group objectives
- Adapt processes to changing situations and needs of the group
- Assess and communicate group progress
Foster task completion
E1. Maintain a base of knowledge
- Be knowledgeable in management, organisational systems and development, group development, psychology, and conflict resolution
- Understand dynamics of change
- Understand learning/ thinking theory
E2. Know a range of facilitation methods
- Understand problem solving and decision-making models
- Understand a variety of group methods and techniques
- Know consequences of misuse of group methods
- Distinguish process from task and content
- Learn new processes, methods, & models in support of client’s changing/emerging needs
E3. Maintain professional standing
- Engage in ongoing study / learning related to our field
- Continuously gain awareness of new information in our profession
- Practice reflection and learning
- Build personal industry knowledge and networks
- Maintain certification
F1. Practice self-assessment and self-awareness
- Reflect on behaviour and results
- Maintain congruence between actions and personal and professional values
- Modify personal behaviour / style to reflect the needs of the group
- Cultivate understanding of one’s own values and their potential impact on work with clients
F2. Act with integrity
- Demonstrate a belief in the group and its possibilities
- Approach situations with authenticity and a positive attitude
- Describe situations as facilitator sees them and inquire into different views
- Model professional boundaries and ethics (as described in the IAF’s Statement of Values and Code of Ethics)
F3. Trust group potential and model neutrality
- Honour the wisdom of the group
- Encourage trust in the capacity and experience of others
- Vigilant to minimise influence on group outcomes
- Maintain an objective, non-defensive, non-judgmental stance